Dem..Socialist Comrade Steve Cohen claims white National Guardsmen who voted for Pres Trump pose a threat to biden and should be screened. That’s right a sitting US Congressman is accusing US Servicemen of potential acts of sedition without any proof.
Socialists hate.. HATE the military and police, especially those who are white, but love using them for security. Cohen epitomizes it with this attack which is intended to cast doubt in the eyes of the American people on being able to trust the military.
Soldiers take an oath to God and Country, NOT man/woman and/or political party. There are members in the service who don’t like Pres Trump but carried out their orders, and it’s safe to say that includes those in the Secret Service. Hell Dan Bongino was on obama’s detail, where he got so disgusted he walked away from a great career and govt pension!
Cohen and his ilk know this election was not legitimate, and they don’t want anyone around them who is not on board with the crime that was carried out in November. But to accuse US troops of potentially carrying out a coup against the old man is ridiculous…. unless they were given orders! Has joe done something to warrant concerns from the military????