As war rage in Europe the old fool announced today a ban on Russian oil imports, but said nothing about increasing America’s energy production. The old fossil reversed all the pro-American energy independence policies Pres Trump instituted, that also created jobs and put money in hard-working Americans pockets, and yet he tells the corrupt state media there’s nothing he can do about rising prices!
This regime has put more sanctions on US energy producers than Russia or any other producer. They do not care about the damage being done, and are using this war as an excuse to advance the climate change death cults agenda to get us off fossil fuels.
For the record, and you can look it up, alternative energy in wind and solar power DO NOT produce enough energy, if they did don’t you think everyone would be using it!? If the Left got its way today to eliminate fossil fuels there is nothing in their place to generate and meet our current energy needs let alone a 50%-100% increase when everything is electric! California has in fact implemented green energy policies using wind and solar and they have black and brownouts right now proving eliminating fossil fuels is a fantasy!
The climate change death cult has this old kook by the balls, and they’re going to bring us all down in their quest for this twisted utopian dream.