Catholic Church
The Laura Ingraham Show – Rick Santorum: I’m Happy Arlen Specter Isn’t Supporting Me
At the end Santorum makes a very good point concerning the alleged Romney Paul connection: ” You explain to me why Ron Paul is running ads in Michigan. He hasn’t even appeared in a campaign…
7 States Sue to Block Contraception Mandate
Just 7 suing! C’mon America its more than just an attack on religion this is an attack on freedom! ********* Fox News Lincoln, Neb. – Seven states filed a lawsuit Thursday to block the federal…
CNN Arizona Republican Presidential Debate
Click this button in the player to view additional videos in the playlist from tonight’s debate.
Mark Levin – Hello Everybody Yesterday It Was Condoms Today It’s Satan
Mark Levin Gives Out Nancy Pelosi’s Phone Number Because She Wants To Hear From You Women
Ladies please call her she wants to hear from you and tell her where you stand. While you are at it make sure your friends know because Nanzi wants to hear from them too! Crash…
Debbie Wasserman Schultz: Religious Groups Shouldn’t Be Imposing Their Values on Employees
Obama’s Nanny State — Ameritopia is Here
Poll Suggests Public Backs Obama in Birth Control Fight
Shame people cannot see what this recent move by the regime is really about… an attack on the First Amendment and Constitution. ************* Yahoo – The Ticket By Olivier Knox It’s not even close: By…