IRS Targeting American Legion
If the abuse by the IRS on conservative, patriotic groups, TEA party etc wasn’t bad enough now they are targeting our veterans organizations. One thing has been made clear by this administration and that is…
If the abuse by the IRS on conservative, patriotic groups, TEA party etc wasn’t bad enough now they are targeting our veterans organizations. One thing has been made clear by this administration and that is…
Take a look in the mirror you clown, you’re talking about yourself!
Why hasn’t Issa brought in Franken and Schumer who called for IRS to scrutinize conservative groups?! I’m getting tired of the hearings because nothing ever comes out of them. No one to date has been…
Only the Great One calls the emperor a liar, everyone else sugar coats it. If his majesty didn’t know along with the others then WHO is running the White House?? I know, do you!!
Would be nice to see more dems jump on board and tear the IRS apart. You would think it would dawn on them that if conservative groups get targeted under a democratic POTUS the same…
Its abundantly clear that everyone tied to the 0bama regime “doesn’t know” anything and NEVER takes responsibility.
Everything you have done in the past in protest was in preparation for the coming times as we sink deeper into tyranny. TPP is calling all TEA Party, Patriot and 9/12 groups, liberty activists, the…
Knowing what we know to date about the IRS, how they operate, ABUSE and BULLY Americans, and that they will be the enforcers of Obamacare now is the perfect time to kill it! Pressure your…
The Great One dismantled the imperial regime over their recent attacks against conservatives which was revealed through the IRS. The two then discuss Benghazi leading Levin, barely able to restrains himself from saying how he…
Complicit crap media is not only jumping on the IRS scandal because it gets attention off Benghazi they are jumping on it because they know if left alone and a repub dominant admin comes in…