Tingles Bullies Mich AFP Director Over Who Pays His Salary
I’m sure Hagerstrom will get right on that Tingles getting you the names of all the donors to AFP. Better question to ask is WHO rounded up and empowered the 0bama union goons to attack…
I’m sure Hagerstrom will get right on that Tingles getting you the names of all the donors to AFP. Better question to ask is WHO rounded up and empowered the 0bama union goons to attack…
This is what democracy looks like. So what did Crowder do that was so bad he had to be physically attacked, sucker punched 4 times? All you union goons out there enjoy this while it…
It’s always those on the left threatening/ calling for violence. Following the passing of the right to work bill in Mich. union goons followed through by tearing down Americans for Prosperity’s tent…
Prepare for trouble at the polls! Trumka is planning to send his goon squad in and you know the Black Panthers will be showing up too! I doubt anything can be done seeing that the…
SEIU just got a blow from the Supreme Court but they are still carrying on. Aside from their general existence the fact that someone has to translate enrages me. It tells me 1) odds are…