The Rise And Fall Of Welfare Reform
Seems like the Romney campaign has half a brain. They know to run ads like this using the Emperor and others in their own words yet get sucked into games like the current “didn’t pay…
Seems like the Romney campaign has half a brain. They know to run ads like this using the Emperor and others in their own words yet get sucked into games like the current “didn’t pay…
So much for the education and job training he touched on, since he just gutted that from the reform he talked up to gain votes! This guy LIES through his teeth!
USDA partnering with Mexico to boost food stamp participation by Caroline May | Daily Caller The Mexican government has been working with the United States Department of Agriculture to increase participation in the Supplemental Nutrition…
If they want to pay more they can! Anyone can PAY MORE anytime they want. You are being lied to America by these bastards in DC. PAY UP or SHUT UP! All the info is…