Updated: #Occupy Violence and Sexual Assaults on the Rise….Fringe Media Remains Silent on the Issues While Praising Occupiers

Bookmark this page and check back often for updates. Cities with heavy content are now on separate pages! Yea there is so much I have to divvy it up!:


Berkeley woman assaulted for NOT joining protest

Sexual Assault at Occupy St Louis

Woman Raped at #OccupyPhiladelphia

2 deaths at Occupy protests in Calif. and Vermont

Man Arrested for Breaking EMT’s Leg at Occupy Wall Street

Tea Partier Attacked by San Diego Occupiers

#OccupyBerkeley Protesters Taunt Cops As Things Get Rough

Occupy Atlanta Protesters Attack Police Officers

Occupy Wall Street Protester & Kitchen Helper Arrested For Alleged Rape and Sexual Assault

#OccupyPhilly Protesters March On Comcast; 9 Arrested

Occupy Wall Street Assaults: ‘Deaf guy was raped’

#OccupyBaltimore Rape Victim Begs For Protest To Be Shut Down

#OccupyOttawa: Violent & Sexual Assaults Should Not Be Reported To Police

Fiend attacks ‘Occupy’ protester in her tent

Man arrested after knife incident at Occupy Austin camp

#OccupyWallStreet: The Rap Sheet, So Far
#Occupy Movement Is Unsafe for Women: Attacks and Threats Show Dangers of Anarchist Organizing