Obama regime wants you to think all is well with 8.3% unemployment but I believe ShadowStats.com has the real unemployment rate at 22%.
It will not get better folks. We make nothing here. The US went from being a producer nation, a hub for manufacturing to a debtor, service oriented economy. China, a communist nation, has become the manufacturing hub of the world using slave labor. Yes, I said slave labor, I call it the way I see it!
How a nation, any nation, competes against another using slave labor to cut costs is beyond me. Even in a perfect world where both are creating a widget from the same materials it’s impossible. A widget in the US costs $5 to produce vs the identical product produced in China costing $0.75! What do you do at that point? You can thank all of the above for this, from the unions, EPA, IRS, overwhelming amount of government red tape to yes even corporate greed for this loss.
There is NO recovery and won’t be until we start making things the world needs! When we start making things and producing there will be jobs. Companies have been forced to run lean and are learning they are now better off delegating more responsibilities to smaller number of employees. They have learned to operate more efficiently with a smaller staff, and have also learned to cut costs. The jobs lost won’t be coming back.
Tough for many to hear just keep in mind I too am one of the forgotten!!!