“….Ladies and Gentlemen, the country is going to hell and there’s only one party in a position to stop it And I’ll be damned if I’m going to sit on my ass like everybody else and just wave and just accept this! If the Republican Party cannot nominate somebody who understands basic capitalism and can discuss it without apologizing for it, if we can’t nominate somebody who will stop talking about class warfare and this class and that class, but talk about Americans, then it’s over! We’re doomed!
That’s why I’m passionate about this. That’s why I’m upset about this. I’m scared to death what’s going to happen in the next year, 2,3,4,5. I see it coming if we don’t change course! You do too! Look at the Occupy movements. I see the riots! I see the violence! I see the deterioration of our society! I see the bankrupting of Social Security and Medicare! I see the unsustainability of what’s going on and so do you!”…..
He goes on to points out that Romney IS NOT a capitalist but corporatist!