This Toure` clown has what is being labeled as an epic race baiting meltdown. He is by far one of the most arrogant pr*cks I’ve seen to date permitted to be on air. Then again what do you expect from MSNBC MSLSD.
How is it this Toure` character thinks he knows more of what is going on? Who is this Toure` character that he thinks he knows what happened that night? Morgan had it right that this joke from MSLSD tried, convicted and found Zimmerman guilty of murder. Once again another Obama media drone with NO EVIDENCE other than what his fellow Obama media peers have pushed on the public as “facts”.
I think all these clowns have watched too much CSI and Law & Order, but I gotta chalk one up for Morgan who took the MSLSD clown to the woodshed! (oh don’t even try it its a figure of speech)