DNC Chair Wasserman Schutlz: GOP Rooting for Economic Failure

Oh Debbie, Debbie, Debbie your mentor Joseph Goebbels would be so proud or your constant lies and deceit!

This woman is EVIL.

Yea that’s right I called her evil! I have never seen someone so boldly lie as she does on a 24/7 basis. For example when she brags about 4 million jobs created she negates to inform the viewers of the 88 MILLION who have been written off from the statistics… including yours truly!

As for the drill baby drill comment, if drilling was to start it would drive prices down because the other world suppliers know we would be adding to the total supply of oil. They would be forced to produce more and drop prices NOW even though oil from the US wouldn’t be seen immediately.

Schultz defines propagandist, I’m sure Goebbels is looking down on her with a big fat smile on his face! THANK YOU FLORIDA VOTERS for re-electing her over and over again. !@#$%^&!@#$%^&@#$%^&@#$%^&@#$%^&*(&^#$%^%$@!@#!!