AQ claims Warren Weinstein would be released if the US stopped strikes in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia and Yemen. They also demanded the release of all prisoners held around the world otherwise Warren Weinstein wold be executed.
Okay so I will be the cold-hearted SOB and repeat Ronald Reagan’s words. The USA does NOT negotiate with terrorists. So if I were sitting in the White House here are the two scenarios I would consider….
1) Do nothing stand my ground and maintain US policy in not negotiating with terrorists. I would make it clear if this man is not released immediately and is executed the US’s response will be merciless.
2) I’d agree to their terms and the moment Mr. Weinstein is in US custody I would launch one of the most lethal air to ground assaults on all known terrorist locations that has ever been seen. As for the militants being released I would make sure they could be tracked and rounded up again or taken out.
That’s how a real President deals with terrorists. Obama being a friend to the Muslim Brotherhood no one can be sure what he will do.