Not only has Pelosi lied, but she willingly admits in this clip that it is a tax. West is one of the few in DC standing against the destroyers of this nation. FL voters please do everything possible to ensure his re-election.
Allen West Comments on Higher Taxes and Higher Costs From Obamacare
TOPICS:10th amendmentaffordable care actAllen WestAllen West Comments on Higher Taxes and Higher Costs From Obamacareallen west obamacarecareer politicianschief justice john robertschief justice robertscommerce clauseconstitutionconstitutionaldecision on obamacaregiant total fraud was perpetrated this country yesterdayhealth carehealth care law decisionhealth insurancehealth mandate ruledhealthcareIm Tired of the Republican Movementimpact on middle classindividual mandateIndividual Mandate Will Become a Taxjobsjobs lossjohn roberts deciding votelt. colmandatenancy pelosi liesobama admin winsobamacareobamacare not over turnedobamacare ruledobamacare ruled constitutionalobamacare rulingpelosi liespremiumsProgressives are Fascistsprogressivismrepublican establishmentRINOroberts rules in favor of obamacareroberts swing voteSCOTUSscotus rulessingle payersupreme courtsupreme court decision is a win for Obamasupreme court rulessupreme court rules in favor ofSupreme Court Rules Individual Mandate Will Become a Taxsupreme court rules obamacareSupreme Court Rules Obamacare ConstitutionalSupreme Court Rules to Uphold Obamacaresupreme court ruling on affordable care actsupreme court ruling on health caresupreme court ruling on healthcaresupreme court upholdssupreme court upholds obamacaretaxestenth amendment
Posted By: BMartin1776 June 29, 2012