Supreme Court Rules to Uphold Obamacare, Individual Mandate Will Become a Tax

Might as well be empty at this point…

The wait is over! Obamacare has been ruled Constitutional!!! Individual Mandate was ruled unconstitutional, but can survive as a tax! Chief Justice Roberts sides with Obama.

I win YOU lose!

Folks it’s now up to you to get the Emperor out of power this Nov. Romney has promised if elected, and by God he better do it, to get Obamacare repealed. This law is nothing but destructive to our nation. Furthermore we need a different POTUS should another Supreme Court Justice step down. You have now seen the power they have. We have two hardcore radicals already appointed by the Emperor, after this decision we cannot afford another.

If you weren’t active over the last few years you are going to have to get in and do everything possible to get the votes we will need to throw the Emperor out. This ruling will energize his base and scare off many voters on the fence thinking whats the sense now.

Drudge Report:
Mandate survives as a tax…
Chief Justice Roberts joins the left of the Court…
The Medicaid provision is limited but not invalidated…
‘Congress had the power to impose the exaction in Section 5000A under the taxing power, and that Section 5000A need not be read to do more than impose a tax. This is sufficient to sustain it.’
The court reinforces that individuals cant simply refuse to pay the tax and not comply with the mandate.

This battle is a loss but the war continues on…. Pls check back for updates