Alex Jones Plays Into Liberal Agenda Against Guns Flipping Out On Piers Morgan

This was an excellent move by the gun grabbers to have the extreme of all extremes on Morgans show to debate gun control. As far as the left is concerned Jones is a representation of all pro-gun/ Second Amendment Americans. You and I know that not to be true but it doesn’t matter to the left this is how they play the game. Alex played right into Morgan’s hands flying off the hook and of course Morgan then went for the jugular on Jones’ credibility, when Jones answered questions about 9/11 being an inside job.

I got to give it to you Piers well-played sir well-played! Now that you had someone completely unhinged on gun control I have a challenge for you. When will we be seeing Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, the go to man on PTSD whose books are required reading by military and law enforcement officials, on your show to discuss the root of the problem?