Wow you know it’s not looking good if the Great One is “going there”!
Something is seriously up! It’s not conspiracy theory, Alex Jones hysteria etc, there is no logical reason for the ammo shortage taking place. Michael Savage had a caller on the other night saying DHS is deliberately tying up supply. The question you need to ask about all of this is WHY?
Why tie up the ammo in “supply and demand” scenario and why are they buying so much in general? I’m not buying the training excuse and this is “standard procedure”.
Those of you (active/ retired) in the military and law enforcement do know the day is coming when you are going to have to choose between honoring the oath you took to this nation, the people and Constitution or be an automaton following orders.
A word to the manufacturers out there… you need to stop doing business with the govt as well as any state that is currently in the process of passing or considering passing anti-Second Amendment laws. I know it sucks because you are in business to make money but our rights are on the line and whatever the imperial regime is up to is not good for the people. It’s time to Fight Fire With “Nukes”