Commercial Features Illegal Immigrants Asking For ‘Affordable Healthcare’

Some people are not going to like what I have to say here…

Ya know I like many Americans who are descendants of LEGAL immigrants take offense to this. More so because I am not only a 3rd generation American on my mother’s side but I am first generation on my fathers! So the story about becoming a legal citizen is a fresh recent story not handed down.

My family (again on my mother’s side) came to the US by the book from Italy turn of the 20th century. They assimilated to the American culture and didnt even speak Italian in their home because they were so PROUD to be here. They came here with nothing and started a business, they didn’t get off the boat at Ellis Island with their hands out saying “I want free healthcare”!

My father came to the US in 60’s from Italy too. My grandfather (mothers father) had to vouch for him, that he would have a place to live, a job and contribute to the US. To be a citizen my father had to go to school to learn US history, read & write in ENGLISH and when it came time for him to take his citizens oath he did it in ENGLISH!

So I find ILLEGALS who demand free healthcare and all the other freebies INSULTING & DISRESPECTFUL who deserve NOTHING! If you don’t like what I have to say here guess what?! I couldn’t careless what you think because odds are you are an illegal with a gimme gimme attitude!

Oh and please stop with the “undocumented immigrant” BS you are an ILLEGAL ALIEN! You are here against our laws and many here like myself don’t care about how you got here. Fact that you are here is a violation to our laws.