Obama Tweets Obamacare Victory Reminder to “Severe” Conservatives

That demon Dianne Feinstein carried on the other day she isn’t a sixth grader. Well now we know who the real sixth grader is in DC don’t we now Barry!

Severe? So running the debt up almost $7 trillion in four years isn’t severe? How about unemployment 2% higher compared to this time in ’08? Then you have a record number of Americans in poverty and food stamps. What about every action you have taken that is driving this country’s economic system right into the ground… is that severe?

I think one would argue this pile of crap (7ft tall, 20,000 pages of obamacare regs) is severe, but Barry won’t see it that way. According to this tweet of his this is progress!

Apparently myself and countless others are “severe” because we want DC to be fiscally responisble, cut wasteful spending, are against government intrusion into people lives and freedom of choice.