Krauthammer to O’Reilly: Obama Not Interested in Cutting Deficit & Spending, Setting Up Republicans For Blame

We are on our way to being like Greece. CA’s debt to GDP alone is worse than Greece’s. The US is broke, economic collapse is inevitable, how long the fed continues to pump in the adrenaline (QE) and drugs (0% int rates) to keep us barely alive is the trillion-dollar question.

We know the masses are asleep what do you think is going to happen when the food stamps dry up? What do you think the drones are going to do when the rich have already been taxed to death and there still isn’t enough money to pay for obamaphones? The admin is setting the nation up to blame anyone in opposition in the hopes of civil unrest to once and for all put the final nails into repub, conservs, capitalists etc coffin.

This admin is doing everything that is the opposite of what any other admin would do at our level of debt. They keep spending when IMO a Clinton or even a Carter admin would have cut back spending by now. The pharaoh instead just put the hammer down to spend more, he has not cut any program, instead he looks for ways to tax and spend more. As he does that he has planted the seeds of blame to his opposition with the help of the corrupt media. So when the dopes who have no clue who their Senators/Reps, Sec of State, or Speaker of House etc etc are run out of free stuff all they will know is that it was the “republicans, rich people and capitalists fault” for the economic collapse.

You see you must destroy before you can rebuild… or in his highness’ case rebuilding to a fundamentally transformed USA!