Romney: It Kills Me Not to be President, Obama is Like a Roman Emperor, ‘Nero is Fiddling’

Yea well Mitt maybe you should have thought about that as you INSISTED on being Mr. Nice Guy during the entire race! I said sometime around the first debate that Romney was too nice of a person and it would be his undoing. Had he taken the gloves off maybe he would have pummeled the pharaoh on facts and not had his clocked cleaned a few weeks later. It’s also the now dead republican party for not taking the gloves off either!

When are people on the “right” going to get it through their thick skulls that playing nice and by the rules doesn’t work? You do realize these “rules” you play by are made by the “left” right? They are like the kid on the playground during a game who is a poor sport because he/she is losing who changes the rules of the game as its played!

People for quite some time have been saying in videos, message boards etc “I’ve written letters/ emails, called, protested but none of it works what more can I do?” I responded that call for help by creating more importantly the Tactics.

I called your bluff AmeriKa and you chose to sit in the corner and continue taking one to the nose holding your head up high. High and back from the bloody nose you continue to get from the “left”.

This vid IS “YOU”…

Politics (economy, gun control, social etc) is personal, not business I hope someday you all wake up and see that. Sadly though I truly believe when you have had enough AmeriKa it will be too late! The headlines are proof of that.