Sen Rubio: Should Have Intervened Sooner in Syria, ’95, 96 Percent’ of Immigration Bill is ‘Perfect’

The Syrian civil war is not our fight, there is no advantage for the US to get involved unless you want to officially start WW3! You have Russia and Iran actively engaged and no idea who the rebels really are. More than likely they are radical muslim extremists so correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t it treason to aid and abet your enemy?

In response to Rubio’s position on ILLEGAL ALIEN amnesty(aka RubioCare), he has proven himself to be a tool of the progressives running DC. Americans do not support immigration reform. Americans WANT a border security bill in place. The progressives have hijacked that need with an immigration reform bill. We want current laws on the books enforced, like the ones that will punish employers hiring ILLEGAL ALIENS!

What will we see is a repeat of the 1986 bill Congress put over on Pres Reagan but this bill, warned by many like Sen Sessions, will put the final nails into this country’s coffin.

This ILLEGAL ALIEN (I love saying that to offend as many as possible) amnesty bill will do more damage to the US than 0bamacare has and will do. The two combined will guarantee to overwhelm the system and cause a crash; this is Cloward and Piven 101.