Sen Sessions: Whose Economic Interests Does This Immigration Bill Serve?

Once again Sen Session breaks down the economic impact of RubioCare. The economic impact of this bill will result in 4 times number of guest workers, higher than what followed in ’07. We have millions already unemployed or underemployed, RubioCare is not a job creating bill, it will result in job loss and drive wages down.

American minorities where are you? Blacks Asians anyone non hispanic you are being thrown under the bus by the power elite! As for the hispanics illegal in this country and those who have acquired/will acquire legal status you too will feel the effect of low wages and job opportunities too.

Don’t think that because you’re here the jobs and money will be flowing your way. Oh there will be preferential treatment, but being a modern slave is nothing to brag about! Thats right I said you are all modern-day slaves in the name of legal status! You want it you got it!

RubioCare is bad for everyone!