Senate Passes Immigration Bill 68-32, Gallery Spectators Chant ‘Yes We Can!’

Senate Passes Immigr ReformAs expected the corrupt, progressive infested, useless US Senate has passed RubioCare. Now all eyes go on to the House. People no one can stress the dire need for any and all immigration bills to not even be put to a vote on the House floor. The threat is too high “something better”, as Rep Ryan claims they’ll do it “our way”, will be passed but not part of the final draft of the law which will inevitably come out of conference to be signed by the imperial emperor.

You see the House could vote for a tough bill that gets passed, but what will happen is the good parts of that bill would be matched with sections from the Senate bill until we are left with a Frankenstein version of RubioCare.

I guarantee, you will hear Reps who would vote for a House bill after learning about what would be in the final draft say “I didn’t know about that”, “I didn’t vote for that”…. This is why STR and countless sites, conservatives etc are pushing for absolutely nothing to be brought to the House floor. It will mean the end of this country! Please if you haven’t yet watch and listen to Reps Steve King, Michelle Bachmann and Louie Gohmert explain the threat of a Trojan Horse amnesty bill.

The long-term effects this ILLEGAL ALIEN amnesty bill will have on this country will put the final nails into our coffin. The line in the sand must be drawn now! Minorities where are you? You will suffer the most pain from this, you have been thrown under the bus by the power elites who pander to you! Black Americans, whose unemployment rate is record high, where are you?