Dem Rep Norton: GOP ‘White Party Of Old Men’ Doomed In Texas

The evil blue of democrats seems to be growing in Texas! Norton reveals the real truth behind ILLEGAL ALIEN amnesty IMO. They can’t win elections when you compare policies so the democrats must find themselves a whole new voting block to keep them in power.

Hispanics how does it feel to be used? Take a look around and honestly ask yourselves if you are better off today? Before you answer that take a look at Chicago, Detroit and California. Chicago riddled with violence on its way to looking like the wasteland of Detroit once the center of the US car industry. California is the grand experiment from those two facing bankruptcy and socialist control minus the visual of a wasteland. People put their faith in democrats and they are not better off, instead these places are headed into full self-destruction… all under democrat control. Hispanics in these states are not better off, sure you have your success stories here and there but the majority of population is barely making it. They of course continue to fall for the lies of democrats thus keeping them in control. So how does it feel to be used? How does it feel to be a modern-day slave?!