President Class Warfare, I Lie Through My Teeth is at it again!
The amount of jobs created after Obamacare let alone in the economy in general is a complete and total lie. This is total propaganda 101 right now from Darth Hussein! This SOB has completely ignored the 100,000,000 Americans out of work, the numbers are legit it’s not a made up figure! Being one of the 100 million I am completely outraged and the blood is just about shooting out of my head from this JERKS speech!
I’m telling all of you out there this country IS NOT in a recovery. You are being lied to we are in a stealth depression. That booming stock market is a result of the Federal Reserve printing money, increasing the money supply. Darth Hussein is pivoting alright, he is going all in on his propaganda campaigning to save 0Care which will destroy our economy. Businesses are are cutting back hiring new employees, cutting their existing work forces hours and in some cases, like CiCi’s franchise owner Bob Westbrook, they are closing.
Take note kids of the new narrative, authored by Valerie Jarrett, parroted by this insidious deceitful imperial president that the IRS, NSA, DOJ, Fast & Furious etc etc scandals are “phony”! The jerks Minister of Propaganda, Jay Carney, got his butt chewed out this morning by one of their own RINOs over trivializing the abuse this government has subjected Americans to.