Senators Schumer and Graham Propose New Media Shield Law

Um we don’t need a law protecting media and journalists because we already have one!


Is it just me or doesn’t anyone else get that feeling that if some law, with ideas coming from the DOJ of all places, is drawn up to “shield journalists” it will in fact make it harder for those of us not in the mainstream media to give our two cents!? Pay attention to how they slip in the issue of keeping things balanced all in the name of protecting national security. That’s their little caveat to be able to come down on anyone all “for our protection”.

Here’s a simple example of why this is bad: Glenn Greenwald coming forward with the Edward Snowden NSA story would have never hit the wire! Greenwald would have been silenced (if not arrested knowing these clowns) for breaking the NSA spying on Americans story!

What arrogance right? These monsters have no respect for the Constitution and by proposing such a law only proves they don’t even acknowledge it! They think they are so smart and know whats right for us they will make a law protecting rights already protected under the Constitution. You see this IS the problem with DC, this arrogance that they know whats best and to prove it they will just pass a law. We have so many laws on the books that do something some other law already does. How about we pass a law that makes these buffoons enforce the ones already on the books!?

Also let’s take a look at who is proposing this, Chuck Schumer and Lindsey Graham! Seriously!? I wouldn’t trust anyone that believes one word out of Graham’s let alone Schumer’s mouth. The two progressives are merchants of deception, their little baby immigration bill S744 has tons of garbage buried in it just like Obamacare! Who in their right mind would trust them to create a law to protect rights already protected under the First Amendment? If you ask me it’s just a way for them to once again circumvent the Constitution by creating laws in its place to one day eventually make the Bill of Rights obsolete!