Buck Sexton Breaks Down the “Triggers” in the Middle East

Time for some geo-political education… this was a very interesting segment on the Blaze.

Buck Sexton uses a map based off of the Mackinder Geographical Pivot of History. This will give you a new visual as to why we have bases around the world and why the east is and has been such a hot zone. The resources in the Mackinder map are coal, lumber, iron ore etc which were the main natural resources 100 years ago. Based on the theory whoever controls the region controls the world. The map brought up to date today must include the middle east because of fossil fuels. Coincidentally, NOT, we have bases all around this area, IMO US presence is enough to keep the natives at bay! If we pull out of the middle east and tap our resources we will be okay but for how long?

I agree we should get out of the hot zones but the dynamics of the Mackinder theory haven’t changed. The goal is to control resources and as many know the US is very rich in natural resources. We stay or go the fight will be brought to our front door sooner or later because everyone hates the US and would love to get their hands on all our natural resources! It’s safe to say if there is a war it won’t be isolated to just the middle east. Europe will get sucked into it and eventually IMO someone will take shots at the US whether we isolate ourselves or not.