Michelle Malkin Eviscerates Lib Richard Fowler on Gun Control

All the leftists are deflecting over the Lane murder. We already have gun safety laws and background checks that Fowler is claiming do not exist! The left LIES 24/7, the existing gun laws on the books today are a result of the left getting their way in the first place!

Michelle pounced on this liberal piece of garbage who couldn’t answer a simple question because he knows the truth screws the progressive agenda. They do not want to answer hard questions that will only expose their true agenda which is not gun control but gun confiscation as Michelle points out. Fowler tries to change the subject while Malkin is eviscerating him asking if “17 year olds should have a gun”. On that issue we will see very soon that gun used to kill Lane was probably stolen or bought on the black market! There are no laws that will ever put a stop to that! As I understand it in most states you must be 18 to purchase a firearm so I’m not to sure why this guy would ask the question, other than trying to change the subject. His last rant about assault weapons and gun shows shows true intent of left and I guarantee you will hear it repeated by all the gun grabbers.