How much more proof do these guys need that the regime is engaged in illegal activity? We appreciate what they are doing but it isn’t enough. Issa and company need to start charging people or someone with a crime(s). What crime(s)? Obstruction, aiding abetting the enemy which resulted in the death of 4 Americans, treason for starters?! Look this is about getting the ball rolling and smoking someone with the truth out or scaring someone to talk. You threaten someone with jail time and they will sing, but NO ONE is doing that. No, instead it’s another hearing, this memo, that subpoena etc.
It is reported now there were dozens of CIA operatives on the ground in Benghazi during the attack. These people having the names changed and being silenced need to remember the oath they took. They need to understand they have a duty to the people of this country but also realize staying silent is protecting those who don’t trust them!