Ed Schultz GOP Opposition to Syria Rooted in ‘Hatred of Our First Black President’

If you think and feel anything even remote as I do, this clip will make the blood shoot out your eyes!

MSLSD’s ratings with the race hustler industry must be dying down so they got FAT F!@# Ed running his mouth again. Apparently the warmongering republican opposition that is always looking for a fight is against a military strike in Syria is because they hate obama! Wait it gets better. They hate him because he is black! Even though he really isn’t! Ed he isn’t the First Black President, he is the first mixed race president. If you want to talk about race, let’s talk about the outright racism from you and MSLSD towards white people! You don’t even acknowledge you great boy king is half white! You know it was his WHITE mother who raised him along with his WHITE grandparents, unlike the BLACK father that abandoned him! Only racist I see is you Ed you FAT F@#$!

I’m curious Ed you FAT F@#$ what about ALL the dems coming out against his majesty striking Syria? By your logic they all must racists too huh?

So there you have it America, this will be the narrative hardcore progressive radicals will be using against anyone who opposes a strike on Syria. Facts like we have no idea who is using chemical weapons, and the US has not been threatened nor under imminent threat are irrelevant.

It’s amazing to me that this guy has a tv show let alone a job while people like myself remain long-term unemployed! This country is truly screwed up!