Glenn Beck Shows Why We Should Welcome a Government Shutdown

“The only people who should be afraid of a shutdown are the progressives who have been making a living lying to people, convincing them they couldn’t live without government handouts. Shut them down. Please. People will realize that their life, their small business, their job, their state, their economy is actually better off without Congress constantly interfering in it, messing it up. People might actually realize that they can be self-reliant.”

This was a great visual by Glenn Beck showing what will and won’t be funded in a government shutdown. These non-essential programs that will not be funded in a shutdown are proof of government waste that should be phased out. The remaining items like the military and others not listed like Social Security etc are all that we as tax payers should be on the hook for. Our problem is the bobble heads in DC shouldn’t be in session year-long, it gives them too much time to screw around, ruining our lives! If they met every other year for a max of 6 mos like the representatives in Texas do, they would only have enough time to handle the true business of the nation.

And who do you think we have to thank for Congress being in session year-long? No not Woodrow Wilson, but the other progressive destroyer FDR! Every single progressive administration has screwed this country up, they are like a virus that needs to be wiped out!