This wannabe thug lunatic is so desperate for ratings he is crying racism again! The battle over obamacare has nothing to do with his majesty’s race, but since you want to bring it up let’s get something straight. You and all who call obama a black man are racists. Obama is half white! You socialists have never acknowledged his white half (mother and grand parents) which is responsible for raising him! Why are you a racist Ed? Why do you hate white people Ed?
The fact that the majority of the country does not want this law is irrelevant to the progressives in power. Ed wants to talk about facts, fine let’s do that. Fact Ed you FAT F!@# obamacare was passed in the middle of the night on Christmas Eve behind closed doors. FACT your network along with the regimes propaganda network NEVER reports on all the businesses closing down, cutting workers hours, cutting back production and not hiring because of obamacare. FACT people are going to have to pay more under this law and will lose the provider they were told they could keep. All of these things and much more have never been properly shared with the American sheep who would have voted differently had the crap media done its job instead of covering for the boy king.
So Ed you thug wannabe when… WHEN the economy implodes because of obamacare you can be sure people like myself will make sure your drone followers know YOU lied to them. We are going to make sure you demoncrats OWN the nightmare coming with this law. Am I threatening you? No. I’m telling you, you should be more concerned about the unions who are against this law and all the little obamaroids who are going to get screwed when we evil racist right wingers educate them on what YOU and the demoncratic party did to them!