ObamaCare Supporters Sign Petition to Add Birth Control & Sterilants to Water Supply for “Modern Day Eugenics Program”

OMG these lunatics will sign absolutely anything! Every week Dice is insanely explicit, and frankly ridiculous, with the purpose of these petitions to “help obama” that these obamaroids willingly sign! It makes sense though that these liberals would go along since they push sex, depravity and abortion as a solution. They welcome the opportunity of birth control and sterilants added to the water supply because they agree government should be doing everything for us allowing them to go nuts being promiscuous not to mention going along with the idea of population control.

What should really anger people about this is when Dice makes it racial and a guy goes along with controlling the white population!
“we need to do everything that we can to make sure that the white people stay the minority. So we’re gonna put some race a specific sterilants in the water supply to implement a modern-day.. implement a eugenics programs…”

I would have liked to see Dice push the race angle a little further than just one person. I would bet many of the signers would have gone along!