Cruz is such a fraud according to this RINO, he went ahead and voted in favor of Cruz’ “false mission.. cheap headline hunting scheme” to defund obamacare. Got that folks! Pete King is an example of a RINO voting to cover his ass with members of the party who agree with Ted Cruz. If he is so against defunding obamacare why didn’t he vote “nay” along with republican Rep Scott Rigell of VA and the democrats?
You conservatives that still remain in NY need to find someone to challenge King in a primary if you don’t have anyone in the bullpen right now for a recall! King is one of many cockroaches I warned would come out of the shadows. Instead of offering a solution, working with Ted Cruz all Pete King is capable of is attacking party members. He like McCain, Graham and many others calling themselves republicans need to come out of their liberal closet and officially join the democ… socialist party!