AMEN! It’s time for the royal families of DC to GO AWAY.
Jeb, the only reason why defunding obamacare failed in the Senate is because of the progressive RINO’s (like yourself) that sabotaged the effort. We know there are democrats who are opposed of the law but remain silent. Had McCain and company joined Cruz instead of fighting him those senior Senators could have persuaded the handful of democrats we needed to stop obamacare.
Yes folks it’s that simple, it could have been done. No one wants obamacare, progressive RINO’s ran in ’12 on the platform to repeal it yet all bailed to support defunding it?! Explain how that makes sense Jeb?
The simple solution to healthcare was to leave it to the free market by allowing competition across state lines. Government is incapable of running a business let alone 1/6 of the US economy. These idiots cannot even get website working!
The list of Bush “accomplishments” Beck delivers is mind-blowing. The Bush family along with the Clinton’s etc all need to be stopped from continuing in political office. These people act solely in their best interests while advancing the progressive agenda. The crap media is slowly running to Jeb Bush for his two cents on issues because I can tell you he is planning on running for POTUS in 2016. Good luck with that Jeb we the people are through with you and your family. It’s bad enough Hillary is planning on running but if the GOP is planning on giving us the choice of Bush or Christie that witch is guaranteed a win.