Pirro excoriated the imperial regime as well as both parties for playing politics and dividing the nation over the debt ceiling, obamacare while fallen warriors families are denied death benefits. They have no problem sending men and women off to war to do their dirty work but didn’t want to pay death benefits!
The Judge made it clear Congress (GOP) made an attempt to fund the military before the shutdown. But this bill like all others to keep government funded was stopped cold because of Harry Reid carrying out Barry Soetoro’s plan to divide this nation playing political games.
Pirro put our debt situation in simple terms for folks to understand. Using Michelle ‘Marie Antoinette’ Obama as an example, Judge questioned the emperor is she was running up the family credit card on debt they can’t afford would his majesty really expect the credit card company to extend their line of credit. That is exactly what the regime wants to do every year we get into this mess with our debt. I don’t care about other admins either, they are gone there is nothing you can do about the past. Fact is this clown came into office promising to cut the spending slash the deficit when he has done the complete opposite!
As for Congress I agree with the tough solutions Pirro suggested for their incompetence of no pay, retirement, pension etc if Congress leaves the nation in debt. Unfortunately that will never happen as long as we have this bunch of progressives running the show. We really need to clean house in the 2014 elections no matter what promises of change these monsters make.