Great opening monologue by the Great One putting obama in his place. The imperial emperor is engaged in all out warfare against the Constitution and any American who will not bow down to him. Obama has lied about healthcare, his policies are killing our jobs, through regs and laws we are being taxed or even losing our property under his tyranny.
Levin warns that we are subjects and the ruling elite are sovereign. Anyone who opposes this regime, its agenda and the ruling elitists are under attack. The ruling elitists like Boehner, Reid, Pelosi, McConnell need to understand we are only getting stronger. As Levin says the more we are attacked the more pissed off we get making it our mission to crush them! Prepare America we have some huge battles coming very soon, starting with amnesty and then before you know it another debt ceiling battle!
We have to adjust our tactics in engaging the left. They know what we do we cannot keep engaging them the same way they are well-informed and prepared. We have to hit them with out of the box tactics and civil disobedience as we saw the beginnings of during the Million Vet March. Our vets set the tone we have to pick up where they left off and carry this fight in Saving the Republic!