Obama Goons Stop People From Visiting Independence Hall

Another example from the “Obama: Make It Hurt Campaign”!

I have just about had enough of this shutdown crap on national parks, monuments and landmarks. Correct me if I’m wrong but isn’t all the land, monuments, places like Independence Hall etc ALL PROPERTY OF THE AMERICAN PEOPLE? We own this country these places are ours, they do not belong to Congress let alone the imperial emperor! As a matter of fact the Capitol and White House are our property too, maybe it’s time we foreclose on them throwing the deadbeats out!

I am beyond annoyed how these Park Rangers, OUR EMPLOYEES, refuse to answer questions like who they work for and then run away. The short answer is simple, they work for us! To make matters worse there is also private armed security on premises too, where did the money come from to pay for them?

Curious, if the govt is shutdown and there is no money to run these places why are these Park Rangers on scene? Better yet are these not the same Rangers who would be on site if there was no government shutdown?!?! So let me understand this: there is a shutdown, no money to keep parks, monuments, museums open but there is money to double the guard?! Uh heh… can anyone say bullshit?!

I hope people realize it’s costing more money to keep these places closed rather than open! That doesn’t really matter to the boy king who spends like he has a money printing press… Oh wait he does!