Sen Marco Rubio Backs McConnell for 2016 Re-Election; Turns Back on TEA Party

And with that goes the final nail into your political career Marco! FL voters Rubio is not a friend, keep in mind HE introduced ILLEGAL ALIEN AMNESTY vs a border security bill. He is now officially backing Mitch McConnell who is behind the attacks against Cruz and Lee within the GOP. I don’t know if we will ever get to hear the stories about how bad he really is from Glenn Beck, but McConnell is the one who insinuated supporters of Freedomworks and the Senate Conservatives Fund are traitors.

Where was Rubio months ago when Cruz was talking defund obamacare? Nowhere he only jumped in at the last minute like many others. He is also standing his ground supporting amnesty “..‘yes’ depending on the way it’s outlined in a comprehensive package..”

I’m tired of these guys who run for office telling us what we want to hear and then they get in Congress and quickly lose their principles but more importantly their soul! Rubio cannot be trusted he has to go he will stab us in the back again.