Sen Ted Cruz’s Father Rafael Cruz in 2012: ‘We Need to Send Obama Back to Chicago, …Back to Kenya’

This is a non-issue from last year progs are trying to use to attack Senator Ted Cruz through his father, Rafael Cruz. Mr. Cruz was speaking metaphorically that “we need to send Barack Obama back to Chicago. I’d like to send him back to Kenya, back to(?)…[indistinguishable]” Cruz said something after the Kenya remark I contend was something to the effect of “…wherever he [obama] came from”.

I can see why people have their panties in a wad over this speech by Mr. Cruz because everything he is saying is true. He warns about a dem controlled Senate will be giving taxing powers to the UN and the threat of a Supreme Court filled by obama appointed radicals! I even tried to reach people before the 2012 election who said they weren’t going to vote, were voting third party or write someone in of the threat we will have from the Supreme Court under a second obama term. I warned we may be rid of obama after ’16 but the justices he appoints to SCOTUS would be around for a lifetime carrying on his agenda! Mr. Cruz also pointed out that it is better to vote the republican party line than get stuck with liberal because you don’t know enough about a GOP candidate. This happened last year between Romney and obama, people didn’t like Romney or know enough about him so they, approx 3 million voters, bailed voting all together allowing obama a second term!

The threat on SCOTUS was the heart of Rafael’s speech in my opinion but the progressives want you to believe this had something to do with him being a birther. Well first off birthers are the product of Hillary Clinton’s followers and at no time did Mr. Cruz suggest anything about a birth certificate! Someone like obama brags about where their family is from it comes natural for someone to say go back X, in this case Kenya, if you are so proud of it! That is all Mr Cruz did here!

If people actually take the time to listen to the speech they’ll realize why progressives are using it to spin Mr Cruz’ words in an attack against his son. Sen Cruz is the younger version of his father and is an outright threat to the progressive agenda. We need more people like Ted Cruz in DC.

For those interested her is the whole speech: