Not only has this ‘patch’/ ‘fix’ fallen flat it is an outright lie to the inevitable loss of peoples health plans. One way or another the health plan you like and were promised you can keep will be gone. The emperor has been adamant to let us all know barackobamacare is the law of the land. Insurance companies are mandated by that law to comply with it and all the regulations spelled out; the same laws & regs that has created the chaos we are seeing to date.
Offering a delay to the inevitable was only to appease many socialist senators and representatives who are seeking re-election in 2014. Obama’s fix was a political move, and for the record he NEVER apologized for all the cancellations.
Insurance companies have also warned this move to allow people to keep their policies will destabilize the market creating bigger problems. None of this is a surprise, IMO it was all by design by the human wrecking ball little Barry Soetoro!