CBS: CDC Admits to Mistakes in Initial Ebola Response
Now keep in mind folks this is the same CDC who went around saying we are prepared for this. Obama went running his mouth saying an outbreak was unlikely and even if it did…
Now keep in mind folks this is the same CDC who went around saying we are prepared for this. Obama went running his mouth saying an outbreak was unlikely and even if it did…
This guy does not take the presidency seriously, he is either inept or complicit with the world going to hell! Also consider the state of our economy with millions unemployed what kind of leader would…
Crazy Joe admits they won’t get to the 7 million signups/ enrollees they need to make barackobamacare work blaming a bad rollout. You do know who will have to foot that bill don’t you? They…
The site still doesn’t work and has missed the deadline set by the imperial regime. The stats being pushed are disgraceful since sites with fraction of the funding operate with higher number of user/ visitors…
“If you like your insurance plan, you can keep your insurance plan” is one of the biggest lies ever told to the American people. We have over 5 million Americans who have already lost their…
The administration had plenty of warnings of the problems with the site but went ahead anyway because Darth Hussein wants to create as much chaos as possible. Why? Darth Hussein likes to play the victim…
Not only has this ‘patch’/ ‘fix’ fallen flat it is an outright lie to the inevitable loss of peoples health plans. One way or another the health plan you like and were promised you can…
Well the emperor as you know is unilaterally acting saying you can keep your health plan (until after the midterms of course) and now it will just cost you more! This guy is all about…
The regime knew about all the problems associated with the launch of obamacare because it was designed to create havoc and fail. There is no way anyone would allow a program/ law with so many…