CBS: Obama Admin is Lowering Expectations For ObamaCare Signups

Crazy Joe admits they won’t get to the 7 million signups/ enrollees they need to make barackobamacare work blaming a bad rollout. You do know who will have to foot that bill don’t you? They cannot even meet this low expectation to “break even”. No, the rollout isn’t the only reason this thing is failing. The crap law is failing because it destroys the care and doctor-to-patient relationship people are accustomed to before the govt decided to take it over. It’s failing because it was sold on a pile of lies. It’s failing because people would rather pay the penalty than pay 2,3 even 4 times the premium and deductible.

I figure a remedy, via single payer, won’t be suggested until after the midterm elections. When that happens kids you will see all the cockroaches come out of the darkness supporting that move because “it’s the best thing to do”….