Martin Bashir Suggests Someone Should Sh*t in Sarah Palin’s Mouth and P*ss in Her Eyes

Bashir starts off saying Palin is a world-class idiot?! Why because he speaks her mind which is the same sentiment as countless Americans and puts proglodytes in their place? This troglodyte couldn’t hold an intelligent conversation with a rock!

The comparison Palin made to slavery is correct. We are in debt as a result of a bunch of out of control irresponsible spending junkies who have stuck the American people with the bill in which China holds that note of approx $1.2 Trillion! When China calls on that note we the people are screwed because there is no way to pay it back and they will rightfully be holding the chains around our ankles to pay it off! This govt is conveniently buying up all the land rich in natural resources because they need assets to hold off our debtors like China! If we are lucky China will just raise interest rates on us forcing hyperinflation instead of attempts to take the land! Those high interest rates will result in payments going to China, which will be paid on the backs of the American working class aka SLAVES!

Bashir doesn’t understand basic math or economics so he must resort, like ALL the degenerates on MSLD, to vile vulgar rhetoric to make his point. I assume the 5 people who still watch his show got all giddy when he went on this rant. Those of you who are stockholders and subscribers of Comcast you do know you pay his salary?! You are paying this guy to speak like this, how does it feel?

Someday the people of this nation are going to muster the guts to engage the left and start protesting the other hand of this radical govt aka the media. Someday you are going to get over your out of date hangups on boycotts and realize its ok to protest the networks. Someday, hopefully people in this country are going to wake up before debtors like China call in the debt!