(extended clip)
Thank you Rush for saying what I have been saying! The insurance companies are making the changes to health plans to be in compliance with obamacare regulations. Obama is lying when he claims insurance companies are changing by their own will to screw people. We know it’s really and attack on capitalism with the bigger goal to destroy our free market system.
Obama himself has become the biggest lie in US history! No other POTUS has lied and deceived the American people as much as this clown. We have had presidents lie throughout our nations history but I cannot find one who has lied on just about every single issue that has affected the nation. Each potus had their share of problems and scandals but this guy dwarfs them all! The scandals continue to pile up and the campaign promises continue to be proven lies.
No one is this careless, stupid or naive. There is only one conclusion you can come to that everything Obama does is by design. He has the most technologically advanced administration with information at his fingertips, literally, yet claims he doesn’t know about any of the scandals that have plagued the nation. The worst thing about this is there is nothing we can do, lying is not an impeachable offense and even if it was we have a do nothing Congress. Nixon went down for a fraction of what this guy has done. Our only chance at this point is to get conservatives into office to gain control of the House and Senate.