Glenn Beck Explains Why the Media Stopped Covering the CO School Shooting

Did you notice friday how the crap media was covering the Centennial CA school shooting in the hopes of it being a heinous act carried out by a right-wing, anti-government TEA partier?? As soon as the facts started rolling out about the coward killer they shifted back to their normal propaganda programming!

Glenn points out facts the liberal controlled media doesn’t want the country to hear. Once again we have a radical leftist who attacked innocent people. His fellow students and Facebook page indicated he was at the least a hardcore socialist. Making matters worse the Denver Post first reported this and then edited that information out to control the narrative. Give it a few more days I’m sure the left will scrub the net of all the hateful things he had to say about Republicans, TEA Party etc. The crap media also doesn’t want the nation to know this monster took Joe Biden’s advice and used a shotgun to commit murder instead of their hopes the weapon choice was the evil AR-15 “assault weapon”. The last important piece of information they don’t want you to know was that it took a good guy with a gun to stop this POS who ended up killing himself vs getting shot! So chalk another one up for the NRA being right that schools should have armed security where “a good guy with a gun can stop a bad guy with a gun”.

The media doesn’t want these truths out, they want to make like it didnt happen, so it is your job to share this info and make sure everyone knows!