Obama Denies There Was An IRS Scandal, Says It Was Made Up By the Media

This guy is in full propaganda campaign mode now. There are more than enough videos, reports and even testimony of people who were targeted by the regimes thug enforcement agency, the IRS, but his majesty will now have one believe it is all sensationalized by the media! There was no sensationalism committed by anyone. Since when does telling the truth equate to sensationalism? The emperor is in fact calling everyone involved from 292 conservative groups who have proof to the regimes own inspector general LIARS!

I have no doubt the ever-growing mountain of lies and deceit we are seeing from obama today is similar to what people were hearing in Nazi Germany of the 1930’s and 40’s. Obama has a doctorate in propaganda and all of you in the crap media better watch out! “We” warned you all this was going to happen, but you all think you are in some protected class. His majesty is firing warning shots at all of you to get in line and do what he wants or he will trash you too… and then maybe you too will have a visit from the enforcement thugs!