Race Hustler Melissa Harris-Perry: Saying “Obamacare” Is Same As Using The N-Word

There is NOTHING racist about calling ACA obamacare. So I guess when Melissa Harris-Perry is trying to label this name calling on a “group of wealthy white men” she is talking about the white half of obama!? Obama has called the Affordable Care Act obamacare for as long as anyone and he didn’t do it as a form of submission. Obama loves calling this law obamacare because this is his signature achievement as potus.

We the people (black, white, asian, latin etc) call the ACA obamacare even more so now than in the past to make sure there is no misunderstanding as to who has ownership of this tyrannical law! This law NO ONE but the democrats and obama wanted which is creating havoc across the nation in a clear move of wealth redistribution.

The only reason this RACIST from MSLSD is attempting to change the narrative is because the law is a complete and total disaster. She is probably firing the first salvo many progressives will be doing going forward to redefine the law so as to take blame off of obama for the destruction BARACKOBAMACARE is doing to this nation. The regime and the emperor since the website disaster started have been waning off of ownership of obamacare and calling it by its official name.

I have to hand it to Perry she is good! She knows how to get her racist views across without screwing up like others from MSLSD. Sooner or later she will screw up and hopefully she will be ran off the air like Bashir and the rest of the racists!