The Judge blasted imperial emperor obama but focused most of her opening statement on Hillary Clinton for the Benghazi attack. All the requests pointed out in the bi-partisan Senate Committee report for increased security let alone calls for help were ignored. Clinton was quick to react to the attack on the US Egyptian embassy and as the Judge states Clinton’s personal call to the Tunisian president for added security at the US embassy in Tunisia. Clinton even made sure when she visited Libya that US forces were on alert and in staging areas to rescue her but nothing for those in Benghazi. Why?
I’ll tell you why. This administration was running guns into the middle east. Keep in mind it was NOT a US embassy under attack, it was a CIA annex. Could you imagine a Senate hearing right before the presidential election with Stevens and company testifying as to why they were in Benghazi in the first place!? You see boys and girls its easier to create a coverup of a coverup than allow the truth out. The coverup in itself becomes the basis of conspiracy (this one legit) that the left will mock and belittle. Some conspiracies are make believe while others like Benghazi are legit. It is easier to allow those in the know to die rather than risk their testimony! I have posted pieces on here but I encourage you to look elsewhere about the Libyan ship that went to Turkey carrying arms cargo bound for Syria. Look up how Stevens met with the Turkish General Consul on 9/11/12 hours before the attack, the same Turkish GC with connections to terror elements in Syria. Here’s a freebie, check out this story from ABC News where a month before the attack Glenn Doherty told ABC they were on an intel mission to track weapons. It’s all out there from legit news agencies you just have to put the pieces together!
The regime and members of Congress are trying to hide an arms deal while at the same time whitewashing it. How? Check out John McCain’s speech to aid Libyan rebels and then pull up his speech to aid Syrian rebels they are almost identical!
Benghazi is about hiding illegal arms deals to our enemies in the middle east.