Krauthammer: Obama is the Cause of Inequality He Created

There is no recovery only an illusion of one, we are in the eye of the storm of a stealth depression. The emperor creates a crisis and then rides in with some lame attempt to correct what he created. New taxes and countless bailouts have failed while this clown and his ilk like de Blasio and Clinton start with their inequality rhetoric. What they don’t realize is these problems they create hurt a 100 and only deliver help for 10. They know this and don’t care about the long-term damage as long as they created the illusion they have done something to correct the inequality or whatever their cause is!

Over 100 million Americans are out of work and forgotten where no one wants to address the problem let alone the bigger problem within it that long-term unemployed (LTU) cannot get jobs simply because they are LTU! There are no jobs because of the progressive policies (taxation, regulation etc) have stifled business who live under the constant threat of “equality” via economic and social justice.

You lefty loons out there don’t even try to challenge me on this because I am LTU all because I came from the banking industry!